Career guidance thrives on personal contact between counsellor and client, and after the pandemic, much of the counselling will again take place in a face-to-face setting. However, many counsellors have had good experience with the change to distance counselling. This is why we will prepare career guidance for the future. The combination of face-to-face and online counselling allows for an extremely high degree of flexibility in the services offered to meet the individual needs of clients. The prerequisite for this is that counsellors have the necessary digital competences in their field of activity in order to be able to offer the best possible service.
The OCCAY Hybrid Flexi Course is a modular system based on the digital competence framework. Flexible modules in the areas of information & data literacy, communication & collaboration, digital content creation, safety and problem solving can be attended independently in order to meet your individual learning needs. The content is based on the suitability for everyday use and the practical relevance in career guidance.
The modules are structured as follows:
– Communication & collaboration tools (12 units): Getting to know and using different counselling methods in the online setting (e.g. biographical narrative, resource tree, competence analysis,..), safe ways in data communication, basics and application of different communication tools to prepare clients for the digital application process (e.g. preparation for online job interview).
– Apps for career guidance (8 units): Getting to know and using relevant apps in educational counselling and career guidance (including job portals, education, training and further education programmes, apps for processing application documents and documenting the application process), installing and uninstalling programmes, data security.
– Application 4.0 (24 units): Getting to know and using different application formats (including application videos and presentations, Europass, layout tools for a CV), dealing with social media channels, digital profiles and professional networks / groups, data security and dealing with personal data (e.g. converting and encrypting files, password management, encoding emails), dealing with different IT devices, smartphone, browsers as well as relevant programmes.
– Online counselling (12 units): Setting up online counselling, creating a trusting atmosphere to establish relationship work in the virtual space, dealing with technical problems, communication methods and strategies for the online setting.
– Digital health literacy (8 units): Efficient working and counselling methods in the digital setting, healthy use of digital technologies, digital detox and the effectiveness of breaks.
– Self-help empowerment (8 units): Getting to know and using search and help functions at different programmes, tutorials, and useful help platforms, dealing with firewalls and updates.
The curriculum is based on the standards of the European credit system for vocational education and training ECVET and counts as 3 ECVET credits.
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