Online Career Counselling Academy

Your solution for educational and career counselling 4.0
OCCAY helps career counsellors all over Europe to 💡 estimate and improve their digital skills, 🌎 navigate the digital world with confidence and 🧑🏼‍💻 provide professional online career consulting.

Self Assess­ment Grid

Are you curious about your current level of digital skills in the field of career counselling? Answer the questions in the OCCAY Self-Assessment Grid and find out: you will find realistic everyday work scenarios and precise self-assessment questions. The grid is divided into sections that correspond to the DigComp, being the framework developed by the European Commission that defines digital competences in five areas. In few clicks you will be able to test your professional capacity as a career counsellor with Information and Data Literacy, Communication and Collaboration, Digital Content Creation, Safety and Problem Solving.

Hybrid Flexi Course

Career guidance is embedded in the developments of the labour market, which increasingly exploits the potential of digital opportunities. This requires career counsellors to have the necessary digital skills to accompany their clients in the best possible way. The Hybid Flexi Course is an innovative further education opportunity that offers the highest possible flexibility with a modular learning system and is tailor-made for counsellors, who offer career guidance. Topics such as digital methods in counselling, application 4.0, effective online counselling and empowerment in the digital world are covered in our training.

Online Counselling Tool

Online career counselling needs to be tailored to the target group and needs certain technical requirements as well as digital possibilities in order to be really effective. The development of a work and counselling tool that is precisely tailored to online career counselling is therefore one of the goals of the OCCAY project. The counselling tool is easy and free of charge to access for career counsellors as well as for clients, it is intuitive to use, compliant with data protection laws and secure… All requirements to be able to create a trustworthy counselling basis in the digital environment. The OCCAY online counselling tool is therefore the perfect digital solution for professional online career counselling.

Strategy Handbook

The OCCAY Strategy handbook for vocational and educational organisations will guide career services providers how to embed digital technologies and online career guidance into their practice. It will be complemented with a benchmarking framework and an assessment tool for managers, to help them assess their procedures and comply with the requirements for ensuring a smooth integration of digital technologies at the workplace and thus offer quality online services for the clients.

Contact OCCAY.

About OCCAY.

The method toolbox of career guidance is growing due to digital and social transformation, the Covid-19 pandemic showed the necessity of developping digital options in educational and career counselling. The project OCCAY, a project funded by Erasmus+, aims at uplifting the digital skills of career counsellors in Europe, shaping the future of career guidance.

OCCAY creates digital tools for labour market counselling which enable knowledge transfer & exchange and are applicable to all counselling fields. The project’s goals coincide with the Digital Education Action Plan of the European Commission as it is offering inclusive and modular instruments for career counsellors and institutions working in this field. It combines the self-assessment of digital competences with the possibility to enhance them through the OCCAY Hybrid Flexi Course. At the same time, OCCAY offers educational and career counselors a freely accessible online tool and for institutions working in this field a manual on how to systematically and structurally implement digital counseling in their organization.

In addition, the project promotes European networking and is preparing a policy recommendation for decision-makers on the EU institutional and agency level.

With OCCAY, for the first time, a project is pursuing a common European understanding within the vocational education of career counsellors and is offering a common digital platform for mutual education and training.

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European Year of Skills

Learn more about the inspiring story of Galina, a 62-year-old career counsellor and Montessori teacher from Bulgaria. In an article published by the European Commission, Galina talks about her experience with OCCAY and the impact it has had on her work as a career counsellor.